查詢與繳交學費(Search & Pay)
(Please enter the following conditions to query)
請下拉地區別選擇學校或輸入學校代號(Please drop down to choose a school or enter a school Number)
學 校 代 號:(School Number)
(Please click and enter the student ID or payment account (use the payment account number for enquiries,
you can only query the information currently being collected))
學號(Student ID) 轉入帳號(payment account)
學  號(Student ID):
Retype the CAPTCHA code from the image
Change the CAPTCHA codeSpeak the CAPTCHA code

  1. 若下拉選單中,無學校資料,請與學校確認是否加入本學雜費代收網。(If there is no school information in the drop-down menu, please confirm with the school whether to join th collection network.)
  2. 為保障您的權益與個人資料保密,請您在完成交易後,執行系統簽出;若您在15分鐘內於本系統未執行任何動作,系統將自動簽出。(In order to protect your rights and confidentiality of your personal information, please execute the system checkout after completing the transaction; if you do not perform any action in this system within 15 minutes, the system will automatically check out.)